Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Transporter 3

Tommorow, November 26th, "Transporter 3" comes out in theaters. Now I've seen both Transporters 1 and 2 and really like the series. Of course there are a bunch of scenes that are fake and and times might seem a little corny but thats what you get with most action movies these days. I've seen a couple of previews on television last night and number three looks really good. There are plenty of explosions, stunts, and of course, car chases. The car driven by Jason Statham, or otherwise known as "Frank Martin" is a beatiful Audi S8 which is fully armored and equiped with a countless number of special features. What makes this film pretty exciting is the fact that right before the mission takes place, a small device is attached to Frank that will explode if he travels more than 75 feet from the vehicle, meaning that no matter what, Frank must stay with his car at all times. All in all the movie looks very promising and I'm definately going to see it shortly after its release.

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